CNCF Essential

It is crucial to understand and know about CNCF, a brief deepdive will be available in the last segment of the notes but let's get started with the essential things to know

Cloud Native :

Describes as an architectureal approach that empasize application workloads that are Portable, Modular, Isolate between different cloud providers

Some descrbe cloud native being 4-key principles:

  1. Microservices

  2. Containerization

  3. Continuous Delivery

  4. DevOps

Cloud Service Providers:

  1. A Collection of cloud services

  2. Strong application integration

  3. Metered billing

  4. Single unified API

CNCF - Cloud Native Computing Foundation:

  1. Linux Foundation project founded in 2015

  2. CNCF operates independant of Linux Foundation

  3. CNCF has its own board members

  4. CNCF has its own conference

  5. CNCF has its own certifications

  6. CNCF has its own collection of projects, for example:

    • Kubernetes

    • Prometheus

    • Etcd

    • ContainerD, etc

CNCF Landscape:

It is an interactive map developed by CNCF to showcase all available cloud-native technologies and to help indentify the category to which they serve.


Cloud Native Trail map:

It is a recommended path to adopting cloud-native architecture

  1. Containerization

  2. CI/CD

  3. Orchastration & App Definition

  4. Obserbility & Analysis

  5. Service Proxy, Discovery & Mesh

  6. Networking Policy & Security

  7. Distributed Databases & Storage

  8. Streaming & Messaging

  9. Container Registry & Runtime

  10. Software Distribution

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